Elvis Remembers Vancouver

[jwplayer height=”500″ width “375” controlbar=”over” file=”https://redrobinson.com/audio/ELVIS_vancouver.mp3″ image=”https://redrobinson.com/archive/red029.jpg”]

Elvis Presley came to Vancouver on his first North American tour in August 1957. Vancouver was the biggest success story on the whole tour.  I was proud to be part of the success that day as I had tried in vain to get Elvis here for a year and a half.  This was the first celebrity to ever rent stadiums and he could do it because he was a giant, even then.  He had completed two movies, had great success with his recordings up to that time going to the top of the charts and his appearances on the  Milton Berle, Ed Sullivan, and Steve Allen TV shows were ratings monsters.  He was a true sensation.  I have always stated that this was his biggest show of that tour  but to hear Elvis himself say that it was is the icing on the cake.

[jwplayer controlbar=”none” file=”https://redrobinson.com/ads/sierrasil1.mp3″ image=”http://www.sierrasil.com/images/P/RoseUSBottle_web.jpg”]