Mail: From Rock to Brock!

Dear Red, we have been fans of yours and your radio show for a long time. Your show and music are very special to lots of us out there. It is unfortunate that most radio stations have moved away from the music and real-time DJ programming. I go back to the days of Alan Freed. Ahhh;  “when music was music”!

So here is our concern and feedback: What the heck has happened to C-ISL, the music programming and awful selection that the “execs” have decided to put on?  At least we still have YOUR show on the weekends. But how long before they change it, mess with it, or replace it?

It is at the point for a bunch of us old time R&R and R&B fans that we can not stand listening to the “new” C-ISL programming. The music is not only awful, but they REPEAT AND REPEAT it. And that goes for both the AM and FM stations.

Well, we blew our spleen, thanks for reading this. Thanks for doing what you do… we do hope “YOU will Keep on Truckin’”!!

Stay well, stay true. Love the Show,

Steve and Myla Frankel
Thetis Island

Steve and Myla, thanks for the email. The last thing the corporate suits care about is the on-air people or the audience.  I am waiting for the day the consultants (experts from 2500 miles away) get on my case. Until then, please enjoy the last remnants of radio free Vancouver.

Hey Red, I have been listening to your various radio broadcasts since I was a teenager and you were at CKWX 1130. The other day on your Red Rock Diner program I overheard you mention something about looking out the schoolroom window on a sunny day in the area of 33rd and Main in Vancouver. Did you go to General Brock Elementary School? I grew up in the area of Riley Park, Little Mountain and Nat Bailey Stadium; and went to General Brock from 1963 to 1965 then to Charles Tupper for high school. Small world!

Brent Lockhart

Yes, I did go to Brock. I graduated in 1952 (see how old I am). Jimmy Pattison also went to Brock, 8 years before me. We had a 100 year reunion two years ago and over 650 people attended. It was wonderful.